i have problem with my slider when i used in my plugin. I wont to set how many items show at starts in slider. eg get 15 articles, and i would like to show 4 articles per page.
My plugin code (in emotion component template):
How to sets manualy items per page with different shopping words?
i have problem with my slider when i used in my plugin. I wont to set how many items show at starts in slider. eg get 15 articles, and i would like to show 4 articles per page.
My plugin code (in emotion component template):
<div class="product-slider product-slider--content" data-product-slider="true" data-itemsPerPage="4"> <div class="product-slider--container is--horizontal"> {foreach from=$groupArticles item=sArticle} {include file="frontend/listing/box_article.tpl" sArticle=$sArticle productBoxLayout="slider" sCategoryCurrent=$sArticle.categoryID} {/foreach} </div> </div>But data-itemsPerPage="4" nothing do, always run js function setSizes() in \themes\Frontend\Responsive\frontend\_public\src\js\jquery.product-slider.js
How to sets manualy items per page with different shopping words?